Does God’s Word have relevant answers to the challenging questions you are facing right now?

Join Marywinn Lent in uncovering the treasures that fill the pages of Scripture.

Marywinn is the author of the My Precious Shepherd book series and hosts regular Facebook Live meetings centered on uncovering nuggets in God’s Word. She loves to share the ways God has worked in her life and shown Himself to be a loving and compassionate friend.

Mount Up with Wings

Like Eagles

George & Marywinn Lent share many exciting and heartwarming stories about their family’s adventure in Hilton Head, the mountains of Georgia, and the mission field in Russia and other places. In these stories, Grandma Tillie and Grandpa George, share their wisdom from the many lessons God has taught them and tell how He has shaped their lives through these life experiences.

My Precious Shepherd

by Marywinn Lent

God has made Himself so very plain to me in my life and in the last fifty-years with my husband. We have seen His hand working for us, with us, and to us. My desire is to first reach our family and to show that God is alive and well in a very mighty way in the life of all of His children.

Marywinn Lent’s

Nuggets of Truth Blog

Most Recent

Seventh Mark of the Lamb

Seventh Mark of the Lamb

The Seventh Mark of the Lamb is found in Colossians 3:12-17—others! Put on the New Man which is—Kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, bearing and forgiving one another. Put on love which is the bond of perfection and let the peace of God rule in your hearts! Jesus forgave the people who beat, crucified, mocked, and ridiculed Him!

Sixth Mark of the Lamb

Sixth Mark of the Lamb

In Matthew 16:24-25,the Sixth Mark of the Lamb involves denying your selfish desires, being truly committed to doing God’s will even in the face of death, and never denying Him to save your life! We cannot love the world or people more than God! God expects us to pledge our whole existence to His service.

Fifth Mark of the Lamb

Fifth Mark of the Lamb

In Matthew 20:26-28 Jesus encourages us, “Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be our slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) If you see something that needs to be done, do it! Do not wait to be asked.